Fully Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer: High Throughput: With its ability to analyze numerous samples in a short time frame, the fully automated biochemistry analyzer is an indispensable tool for high-throughput clinical laboratories. It ensures timely results, aiding in rapid patient diagnosis and treatment. fully automated random access clinical chemistry analyzer with photometric throughput of 240 Clinical chemistry tests per hour.Biochemistry analyzer is used in a lab to check cholesterol, sugar, enzyme, protein, etc. by biological samples such as blood or urine. Clinical purpose The Fully-automated Biochemistry Analyzer measures biochemical indexes by analyzing blood and other body fluid.Fully Automated Random Access Analyzer with throughput of 100 tests per hour. It is ideal for a laboratory.
Biochemistry Analyzer is a medical laboratory equipment used extensively in clinical laboratories. It is designed to conduct tests to measure chemicals at various stages of the biological processes on a wide range of test samples from blood, plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid to urine.
An automated analyser is a medical laboratory instrument designed to measure various substances and other characteristics in a number of biological samples quickly, with minimal human assistance. These measured properties of blood and other fluids may be useful in the diagnosis of disease.
Fully automatic biochemical analyzer has been used very widely. The chemistry analyzer machine is based on the selective absorption of light by a substance, i.e. spectrophotometry. The principle of chemistry analyzer is still based on Beer’s law.
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