The disposable delivery kit is intended for the pregnant woman and infant under the process of giving birth to a baby in the hospital. A normal baby kit for delivery consists of a standard surgical gown, exam glove, baby blanket, back table cover, face mask, etc.
A piece of soap for cleaning the birth attendant’s hands and the mother’s perineum. A plastic sheet about one square meter for use as a clean delivery surface. Clean string for tying the umbilical cord (usually two pieces). A clean razor blade for cutting the cord.
THE COMPOSITION DELIVERY PACK: 1 x Umbilical Cord Clamp. 1 x Square Azodrape 90 x90 cm. 1 x Maternity Pad.
“Disposable” that describes something as non-reusable but is disposed of after use.
Disposable delivery kits provide essential supplies for clean deliveries, ensuring hygienic practices and reducing the risk of neonatal infections.
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